Hope and Prayers
This was written Tuesday October 8, 2019, as i traveled from Dolan Springs, AZ to Tobaccoville, NC and New Castle and Salem, VA. After speaking with my friend over the phone, and a day's thinking on the road.
It's about them, and for them - my hopes and a prayer. And the hope and the prayer is also for all who come here to read these words that Abba Father placed on my heart to share.
It's about them, and for them - my hopes and a prayer. And the hope and the prayer is also for all who come here to read these words that Abba Father placed on my heart to share.
10/08/19 5:30 p.m.
The end of a lovely day. Father, YOU have made me rich. And You continue to fill the treasure chest of sweet memories. I ask that as i travel, that someone’s treasure chest is also being filled by memories of an odd character who blew through and left a sweet fragrance.
I have a dear sister, recently diagnosed with a cancer. Today? She is somewhere in New Mexico, and I hope she’s dancing. She’s on a camping trip with the love of her life. I think of them - making golden memories together on a great adventure. I know their eyes will take in the beauty of creation dressed in Autumn. And they will praise Father Elohim in the glory of it all. Their love will bind them tight now, as it has in years passed. And I think …
What if we all lived each day this way? Believing that soon - any day or hour or month or year - we could be gone from here and the treasure we leave behind is a sweet fragrance of memories.
We could you know. Live like that. Focus our hearts on finding the treasures Father has hidden for us in a day. Imagine His delight when our hearts find joy in that moment, and we sing out in gratitude!
As I sit here by this lake, with evening’s sun reflected onto my skin, i lift my heart to the Giver of all good gifts, praise Him. Trust Him. And if you listen carefully, you‘ll hear my heart singing out to Him, into the afternoon winds.
Dear friends, I pray for you that every joy of Father’s Creation be yours. That a treasure chest of beautiful memories can be made in the coming days. This life, is just a breath and the love we hold in our hearts will last through eternity! May your cups overflow, your hearts spill over and Yahshua be lifted up. And glorified.
I started Chemotherapy yesterday.. yuk, but Abba Father is in control and I’m learning to live and trust, one minute at a time.
I love you my beautiful sister. I’ll be calling to talk soon.